Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Submission Closing on November 10th 2024
Catergories Award Eligibility Criteria
Young Intensivists Applicable

A student who is currently doing DM / DrNB / Fellowship in Pediatric critical care or who have completed the course within last 24 months

The candidate should provide a Bonafide certificate from the course coordinator along with institutional/hospital ID card

Postgraduate Applicable

A student who is currently doing MD / DNB in Pediatrics or who have completed the course within last 12 months

The candidate should provide a Bonafide certificate from the course coordinator along with institutional/hospital ID card

Nurses Applicable

A Nurse who had completed either BSc or MSc Nursing with atleast one year of PICU experience

The candidate should provide a Bonafide certificate from the nursing superintendent along with institutional/hospital ID card/p>

Open Catergory*** Not Applicable

MBBS, Other PG student
Faculty / Consultant

***With research related to Pediatric critical care

Abstract Guidelines

All abstracts must be in English
Authors must fill in all the pre-formatted fields as indicated in the online submission form.
Arabic numerals should be used for all numbers except at the beginning of a sentence, where they should be spelt.
Standard abbreviations and symbols should be used. Abbreviations should be defined when used for the first time.
No figures and tables should be included in the abstract, nor should any attachments be submitted with the abstract.
The abstract should preferably be written using word processing software, checked for grammar and spelling, proofread, and copied and pasted onto the abstract submission form.
Abstracts, once submitted, cannot be modified or amended.

Article Type Guideline / Format
Original article (Max 300 words excluding the Title) Title (Upper Case) - Maximum 50 characters
Background/ Introduction
Aim(s) of the Study
Case report (Max 300 words excluding the Title) Title (Upper Case) - Maximum 50 characters
Background/ Introduction
Case Presentation


Acceptance of abstracts by the Scientific Committee does not imply permission to present the work at the conference.
Presenting authors must register for the conference and pay the registration fees to attend the conference and make their presentations.
The paper should mention the presenting author and the corresponding author.
The email id of all the co-authors is a must.